
by Ece Apaydin

It was saying that
it can not be lived
but died with some women
with women
furious like cinnamon
hot like freshly milking
in caramel sorts. High...

I must open a tomb
that is not frightened on my lips long since
a pale tomb
so much ached
so much worn
so much ugly

It was saying
you can not go up to the end
with some lies
leave your dog
far away from home
break the flower of the umbrella
propose a toast of the chalice resting upon the bread

I am surrendered to the verdict
beautiful as a spoon
that is broken by the water
your eyes were saying
the migrants,refugees
sour lemon juices
will never return back

On their wet noses
the hoarfrost of the grasses

(Translated from Turkish by Koray Feyiz)

koray feyiz's picture

KORAY FEYİZ, A Turkish poet, born in Istanbul in 1961, Koray Feyiz studied Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, and Urban Planning, at Karadeniz Technical University, and at Middle East Technical University. He completed his doctoral dissertation on Urban Psychology. Feyiz is currently engaged in research on Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. His first published poem appeared in one of Turkey’s most prestigous literary magazines, Varlık, in 1987. His poems and prose essays have continued to appear in numerous Turkish literary magazines over the last two decades. He has also published seven collections of his poetry: Mezarlar Eskimedi (The Graveyard is Not Exhausted, İz, 1987), Bir Mektupta İki Yalnızlık (Two Solitudes in One Letter, Engin, 1988), Ben O Issız O Yorgun Şehir (I Am a Desolate, Exhausted City, Prospero, 1995), Uhrevi Zorba (The Metaphysical Autocrat, Urun, 1995), DüşleGelen (To You Who Arrived in a Dream, Suteni, 1995), Seni Bağışladım Çünkü Beni Çok Üzdün (Cause of My Grief, I Forgive You, Hera, 1999) and Su Yarası (Wounded by the Water, Artshop 2010), (Translated by Dr.Nesrin Eruysal)

Last updated June 12, 2016