by Raj Napal
Woke up with the yellow sun casting bright rays.
Hummingbird on the window sill, laughing sweet songs.
Bacon and eggs, brewed coffee, a fresh start to the day.
Hugs of kids and the warm smile of merry wife, a cheery throng.
Imaginations of wonders of life, even without, fills the time.
Now alone, no kids and wife to sing melodious rhyme.
Writing verses and stories in silence and warmth of my hearth.
Mind, the key, unlocking treasures that bubbles in my path.
With beat of rising sun and dawn of moon's presence.
With soft white snow of winter's delivery and embracing trees.
With melody of Beethoven, Mozart,Tchaikovsky, caressing senses
Rocking to lyrics of Beatles in drive down country lanes in glee.
Slumber in warm duvet of His Essence-Presence as light dawns.
Moments of faith, nature and beauty in a haven of joy, loneliness gone.
Cast aside sadness as He fills life with Spirit and Cheery Laugh.
Paints mosaic of colors-hue, music and trails of nature's ecstasy.
Floating in mist of this delicious and glorious world with mirth.
Each day, moments of pleasure as He draws me to new fantasy.
Last updated October 05, 2015