Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous american poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best American Poetry
- [I aborted two daughters] by Diane Seuss
- [I can't see her clearly. Can you see your mother clearly? I was concocted] by Diane Seuss
- [I kissed a woman] by Ilya Kaminsky
- [I met a man a dying man] by Diane Seuss
- [Intimacy unhinged, unpaddocked me] by Diane Seuss
- [It is abominable, unquenchable by touch] by Diane Seuss
- [I’m going to kill the president...] by Ben Lerner
- [Kumintang] by Barbara Jane Reyes
- [My first crush was Wild Bill Hickok, not the actual guy but the guy who portrayed him] by Diane Seuss
- [objet d’art: exhibition of beauty in art loft victorian claw tub] by Barbara Jane Reyes
- [prayer to san francisco de asís] by Barbara Jane Reyes
- [The dark collects...] by Ben Lerner
- [to the voice of the age] by Brenda Hillman
- [Untitled #6] by Juan Felipe Herrera
- [Where is the drug to drug this feeling out of me] by Diane Seuss
- [why choose pilipinas, remix] by Barbara Jane Reyes
- [why choose pilipinas?] by Barbara Jane Reyes
- [Why the dead] by Jane Huffman
- [Woman with Antlers] by Alice Notley
- [Written On The Title Page Of A Monumental Gratitude] by Cotton Mather
- Ære Perennius by Harriet Monroe
- Æstivation by Oliver Wendell Holmes
- “EIIO?” by Albert Pike