Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous american poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best American Poetry
- You'll know it-as you know 'tis Noon by Emily Dickinson
- You're by Sylvia Plath
- You're right- by Emily Dickinson
- You've given me a weapon by Judith Skillman
- You've seen Balloons set-Haven't You? by Emily Dickinson
- You, Andrew Marvell by Archibald MacLeish
- You, Doctor Martin by Anne Sexton
- You, You, You by M. Douglas Hoss
- youful by E. E. Cummings
- Young by Anne Sexton
- Young Bullfrogs by Carl Sandburg
- Young Father by Michael Miller
- Young Henry by Julia A Moore
- Young In New Orleans by Charles Bukowski
- Young Love by Sara Teasdale
- Young Sea by Carl Sandburg
- Young Sycamore by William Carlos Williams
- Young Woman At A Window by William Carlos Williams
- Young Woman of Cambridge, by E. E. Cummings
- Your Children by Khalil Gibran
- Your Dog Dies by Raymond Carver
- Your Hands, Your Hair by Joseph Auslander
- Your little voice... by E E Cummings
- Your Mother Wears a House Dress by Joseph O. Legaspi
- Your On My Time by Brenda Maria Gonzalez
- Your pain is.... by Khalil Gibran
- Your Poems on My Patio by Martina Reisz Newberry
- Your Song by John Lars Zwerenz
- Your Star Shall Guide Us by Marie Tello Phillips
- Your Time's Comin' by Shel Silverstein