Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous american poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best American Poetry
- You Felons on Trial in Courts. by Walt Whitman
- You Have A Right To Experiment With Your Life by Anais Nin
- You Have Been Gone So Long by Lizette Woodworth Reese
- You Have Been Programmed to Love by Hannah Emerson
- You Have Harnessed Yourself? Ridiculously to This World by Lucie Brock-Broido
- You know too much about flying saucers by Jéanpaul Ferro
- You left me-Sire-two Legacies by Emily Dickinson
- You Live Like This by Anaïs Nin
- You Look Up Pictures of Icelandic Ponies by Ruth Madievsky
- You Lose Something Every Day by Willie Perdomo
- You must not only aim aright by Henry David Thoreau
- You Never Can Tell by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- You Never Hear the Garden Grow by Lilian Moore
- You Obviously Miss Me by Gregory Sherl
- You Only Live Once by Frank Sheehan
- You Rode a Loop by Rosa Alcalá
- You Rope That Pulls Them Where They Do Not Go by Jean Valentine
- you said Is (XIII) by E. E. Cummings
- You said that I by Emily Dickinson
- You say you are holy by Stephen Crane
- you shall above all things... by E. E. Cummings
- You taught me Waiting with Myself by Emily Dickinson
- You tell me this is God? by Stephen Crane
- You Want a Social Life, with Friends by Kenneth Koch
- You Will Forget Me by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- You Will Never Get Death / Out of Your System by Dana Levin
- You With The Still Soul by Max Ehrmann
- you won't miss her by Janet Kuypers
- You'll find-it when you try to die by Emily Dickinson
- You'll know Her - by Her Foot by Emily Dickinson