Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Irish Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best Irish Poetry
- By the Margin of the Great Deep by George William Russell
- By the Window by Edward Dowden
- Byzantium by William Butler Yeats
- Cadenus And Vanessa by Jonathan Swift
- Camma by Oscar Wilde
- Canal Bank Walk by Patrick Kavanagh
- Canzonet by Oscar Wilde
- Carmina, 55 and 58b by Nahum Tate
- Carpe Diem by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Carrowmore by George William Russell
- Cascando by Samuel Beckett
- Casualty by Seamus Heaney
- Cat Scat by Eamon Grennan
- Ceasefire by Michael Longley
- Chanson by Oscar Wilde
- Charmides by Oscar Wilde
- Childhood by George William Russell
- Children of Lir by George William Russell
- Chosen by William Butler Yeats
- Christianity, An Ode by John Corry
- Christmas Eve Remembered by Patrick Kavanagh
- Christmas Of Long Ago by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Christo's by Paul Muldoon
- Church And State by William Butler Yeats
- Circé by Michael Longley
- Clarinda by John Cunningham
- Cleave by David Whyte
- Cliche Came Out of its Cage by C. S. Lewis
- Cliché Number 8 by Conor Keane
- Close Formation by Tony Kitt