Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Irish Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best Irish Poetry
- Digging by Seamus Heaney
- Dingley And Brent by Jonathan Swift
- Divine Visitation by George William Russell
- Docker by Seamus Heaney
- Don't Need Anything by Pat Mullan
- Double Villanelle by Oscar Wilde
- Down By The Salley Gardens by William Butler Yeats
- Dream Love by George William Russell
- Dreams by Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Duality by George William Russell
- Dungeon Grates by C. S. Lewis
- Durer's 'Melencholia' by Edward Dowden
- Dusk by George William Russell
- Dust by George William Russell
- E Tenebris by Oscar Wilde
- Easter by Katharine Tynan
- Easter Day by Oscar Wilde
- Easter, 1916 by William Butler Yeats
- Ecce Puer by James Joyce
- Echoes by George William Russell
- Ego Dominus Tuus by William Butler Yeats
- Eileen Aroon by Gerald Griffin
- Elegy on a Pile of Ruins by John Cunningham
- Elegy On Partridge by Jonathan Swift
- Elegy on the Approach of Winter by John Corry
- Elegy to Maria by John Corry
- Elegy Upon Tiger by Jonathan Swift
- Elegy Written in Ravensdale Park by John Corry
- Elegy Written in the Library of the Newry Literary Society by John Corry
- En Route by Michael Longley