by Tony Kitt
A hunter trails a long-tailed consequence.
It is the sixth nightmare.
Children watch eggplants
grow meanings.
Exuberance exists at the exit.
How would you talk to a mind arrow?
What would you give
for a bullet-proof poem?
Seasonal dying is the profession
one should avoid. I’m doing my beast,
and you are doing yours.
Our genes are our engines.
To survive, we’ll have to draculise
our story. For how, ask your napalm,
your landmines.
Nobody would CNN us to safety.
A long-lanced consequence haunts
the hunter. Security by mercuriality.
It is the seventh nightmare.
Meaningplants grow eggs.
"Endurable Infinity" by Tony Kitt; University of Pittsburgh Press, the Pitt Series.
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Last updated January 27, 2024