Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- The Good Man by Gwendolyn Brooks
- The Gospel of Barbecue by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
- The Gramsci Monument by Fred Moten
- The Gray Mare by Afaa Michael Weaver
- The Great Palaces Of Versailles by Rita Dove
- The Great Pax Whitie by Nikki Giovanni
- The Hammers by Jericho Brown
- The Harlem Dancer by Claude McKay
- The Haunted Oak by Paul Laurence Dunbar
- The Healing Improvisation of Hair by Jay Wright
- The Health-Food Diner by Maya Angelou
- The Heart That Is Pining by Timothy Thomas Fortune
- The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman
- The Homecoming Singer by Jay Wright
- The Horse Stolen from the Camp by George Moses Horton
- The Hours Fly Quick by Quincy Troupe
- The Idea of Ancestry by Etheridge Knight
- The Increasing Frequency of Black Swans by Camille Rankine
- The Independent Man by Gwendolyn Brooks
- The Intemperance Club by George Moses Horton
- The Irregular and/or Anti- and Ante- Regulative by Douglas Kearney
- The Jungle by Yusef Komunyakaa
- The Kid by Ai
- The Lake in Central Park by Jay Wright
- The Last Quatrain Of The Ballad Of Emmett Till by Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
- The Last Word by Nikki Grimes
- The Laughing Child by Charles Morgan
- The Laws of Motion by Nikki Giovanni
- The Lawyers' Ways by Paul Laurence Dunbar
- The Leaving is Easy by Opal J. Moore