Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- The Blue Terrance by Terrance Hayes
- The Blue Terrance by Terrance Hayes
- The Blues by Langston Hughes
- The Body as a Garden by Anastacia-Reneé
- The Bones of my Father by Etheridge Knight
- The Book Party by Kwame Alexander
- The Bridge by Kate Rushin
- The Bronze Legacy by Effie Lee Newsome
- The bullet Was A Girl by Danez Smith
- The Bushman’s Medicine Show by Gary Copeland Lilley
- The Butterfly Poems by Jacqueline Woodson
- The Cab Driver Who Ripped Me Off by Cornelius Eady
- The Carpenter Ant by Terrance Hayes
- The Castaways by Claude McKay
- The Cheerless Condition of Bachelorship by George Moses Horton
- The Cherokee by Mary Weston Fordham
- The Child Formerly Known As _________ by Cameron Awkward-Rich
- The Christ Child by Mary Weston Fordham
- The City by Langston Hughes
- The City's Love by Claude McKay
- The Clime Of My Birth by Timothy Thomas Fortune
- The Coming Woman by Mary Weston Fordham
- The Condoleezza Suite by Nikky Finney
- The Coora Flower by Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
- The Cradle Logic of Autumn by Jay Wright
- The Craftsman by Marcus B. Christian
- The Crazy Woman by Gwendolyn Brooks
- The Creation by James Weldon Johnson
- The Crucifixion by Mary Weston Fordham
- The Current Isolationism by Camille Rankine