Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- The Question by Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard
- The Racist Bone by Cornelius Eady
- The Responsibility Of Love by G.E. Patterson
- The Rock Cries Out to Us Today by Maya Angelou
- The Salve Trade by Fred Moten
- The Same City by Terrance Hayes
- The same year I found out who Audie Murphy was I got stretch marks by Khadijah Queen
- The Saxon Legend of Language by Mary Weston Fordham
- The Secret Garden by Rita Dove
- The Shadow Of Belgium by W. E. B. Du Bois
- The Shadow Of Portugal by W. E. B. Du Bois
- The Shot by Quincy Troupe
- The Silver Thread by Afaa Michael Weaver
- The Slave by George Moses Horton
- The Slave Auction by Frances Ellen Watkins
- The Slave's Complaint by George Moses Horton
- The Snow Fairy by Claude McKay
- The Song of America by W. E. B. Du Bois
- The Song Of Beulahland by Fenton Johnson
- The Song of the Feet by Nikki Giovanni
- The Song of the Smoke by W. E. B. Du Bois
- The Sonnet-Ballad by Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
- The Spanish Needle by Claude McKay
- The Sundays Of Satin-Legs Smith by Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
- The Talk by Jabari Asim
- The Thing of Nature That Defies or Defers, Rather Than Presupposes, Representation by Douglas Kearney
- The Three Birds of the Milky Way by Donika Kelly
- The Times by Lucille Clifton
- The Tired Worker by Claude McKay
- The Tireless Sculptor by Henrietta Cordelia Ray