Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous world poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best World Poetry
- Our Tragedy by Ehsan Sehgal
- Out For A Walk by Friedrich Holderlin
- Out of Superstition by Boris Pasternak
- Outskirts by Tomas Transtromer
- Over The Wintry by Natsume Soseki
- Overnight at the Riverside Tower by Tu Fu
- Pa Pass by Wang Wei
- Palm by Rainer Maria Rilke
- Palm by Yaso Saijō
- Pangs of the Motherland by Shahida Latif
- Para Ser Grande by Fernando Pessoa
- Parables And Riddles by Friedrich von Schiller
- Paradox by Drora Matlofsky
- Parakeets by Anjali Paul
- Paralipomemnon by April Mae Berza
- Parang by Derek Walcott
- Parasites by Alfonsina Storni
- Paroles, Paroles by Julie Delvaux
- Participation by Friedrich von Schiller
- Parting by Boris Pasternak
- Parting by Bertolt Brecht
- Parting by Rainer Maria Rilke
- Parting at a Wine-shop in Nan-king by Li Po
- Passing by the City of Sort by Kristin Dimitrova
- Passing The Night At Headquarters by Du Fu
- Passing the Temple by Wang Wei
- Passiondale by Jan Theuninck
- Past One O’Clock ... by Vladimir Mayakovsky
- pathos is the skyward tanka by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé
- Patmos by Friedrich Holderlin