Because we didn’t buy lottery tickets
we missed our chance to rule the world.
Our bus takes us away through the mountains
while we chew over the omission.
The ticket money is poisoning our pockets.
Maya: They said in a film that if you
don’t buy a 200 euro dress,
you become richer by 200 euro.
I: In New York I took a look at the
Chrysler building but it was a no deal.
Not at this price!
Maya: You’ve saved your money. They
tried to sell me the Louvre
but no, sir, I was not buying.
I: Why, I refused an offer for Taj Mahal
complete with North India. So what am I doing
with all this money now?
If you stop before buying the world,
you will be infinitely rich.
If you buy it, you become a beggar.
If you are like Maya and me on the bus
at least you have plans.
My Life in Squares, Smokestack Books, UK, 2010.
Copyright ©:
Kristin Dimitrova

Kristin Dimitrova (born May 1963 in Sofia, Bulgaria) is a poet, writer and translator., Her books of poetry include Jacob’s Thirteenth Child (1992), A Face Under the Ice (1997), Closed Figures (1998), Faces with Twisted Tongues (1998), Talisman Repairs (2001), The People with the Lanterns (2003) and The Cardplayer’s Morning (2008)., A Visit to the Clockmaker (2005) was published by Southword Editions, Ireland, and My Life in Squares (2010) by Smokestack Books, UK. Dimitrova is a five-times winner of different national poetry-of-the-year awards, among which the Association of Bulgarian Writers Annual Prize (2003)., Among her works of fiction are the novel Sabazius (2007), winner of the Hristo G. Danov National Award in 2008 and shortlisted for the Canetti Prize, and the two short stories collections: Love and Death under the Crooked Pear Trees (2004) and The Secret Way of the Ink (2010). Dimitrova is the co-scriptwriter of The Goat (2009), a feature film directed by Georgi Djulgerov., Dimitrova’s translation of a selection of poems by English metaphysical poet John Donne, The Anagram (1999), brought her the Union of Bulgarian Translators Award., Poems, short stories and essays by Kristin Dimitrova have been translated into 22 languages and published in 25 countries.