
no, not yet, no, not yet
i will not proclaim myself,
a total child of any land,
i’m still in the commonwealth
stage of my life, wondering
what to decide, what to conclude,
what to declare myself.
i’m still in the commonwealth
stage of my life, not knowing
which ideology to select.
i’m still in the commonwealth
stage of my life, all of us
caught in a web of suspension,
light-years away from the indians’
peaceful enclaves.
i’m still in the commonwealth
stage of my life, observing the many integrated experiences
we took everything
and became everybody else.
i’m still in the commonwealth
stage of my life, but there’s
not enough hatred in our hearts
to kill each other or to draw
blood for too long, ours
is a mental search
carved through a mainstream of options
but yet, somewhere
in the commonwealth, we all yearn
to feel our strengths,
to show our ultimate,
to find common wealth among us,
to close our eyes,
to find the total silence, silencio, silence,
to find ... not one thing that unites us,
even in silence we are still
in the commonwealth stage of our lives,
so let’s touch hands, friends and foes,
and stay together to hear each other’s
sounds just for one moment, let’s stay
tucked together, and maybe then, less
options, maybe then, hope.


Last updated December 02, 2022