
If God was one of us
Will he be toyed like one of us?
Chained in ignorance
Extorted and of his thoughts distorted
A make to believe, no questions!
A prisoner in the cage of doctrines, a confused soul!
Spiritually explored, the ritual of every mind!
And of his pride a punctured tyre, a sheep for the slaughter.
My eyes have beheld several addicts to religion
And of their deaths overwhelming.
Legion of lies, hidden behind these several symbols
Who can save us again after the begotten?
If God was one of us
I know the fool will be told
And of this addiction, a drug free!

#GOAL #SundaySpecial #Addicted #Religion #BeCarefulOfwHoYouObey #IfGodWasOnEofUs

Godson Osarenren's picture

Godson Osarenren was born on November 11, 1983 in Benin City, South Western Nigeria. He is a French graduate of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (2007), a participant and representative of the Nigerian French Village, Badagry at Leopold Sedar Senghor centenary celebration, Lome, Togo, (2006) and a Spoken Word Poet, Seaview Poetry Club, Rhythm 93.7 Fm, Port Harcourt. Godson, author of "The Broken Cross" a literary masterpiece that exhumed the ghost of a forgotten nightmare; is a courageous voice for human rights and social justice. His philosophy is centered on personality development..." That though the sky is far no one has ever borrowed the wings of a bird"

Last updated October 02, 2015