Mary Shelley

About Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley was born in 1797 and died in 1851. She was the daughter of two equally progressive thinkers, William Godwin and Mary Wollstone craft, which set the cast of her persevering intellect and her advanced education. She was the consort and then second wife of the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, a union which lasted eight years till his death in 1822, in the course of which she was frequently pregnant, and which left her with vivid memories of an exciting youth and one surviving child, a son. She was the author of novels and stories, two of them outstanding: the famous work of science fiction, Frankenstein, and the futuristic novel The Last Man. She was the editor of Shelley's works, contributing greatly both to the understanding of Shelley's writings and to the history of biographical-literary criticism, which she pioneered. This was the framework in which she lived out the wear and tear of everyday life in the first half of the nineteenth century, and however variously the whole story is interpreted, no-one can take these facts away.
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