To be my friend

by Lucio Muñoz

To enjoy my friendship,
My companionship,
You do not have to be high class,
You do not need to see the world with the same glass,
You do not need to posses physical beauty,
You do not need to be from the same country,
You do not need to be a champion,
You do not need to have the same religion,
You do not need to be smart,
You only need to have a caring heart.

Poem by Lucio Muñoz
Vancouver, BC, Canada


Lucio Reinaldo Muñoz Toledo's picture

Independent QLC researcher/consultant who enjoys writing and sharing short poems, short stories and haikus with friends and family. Goal: To write as simple as possible to be able to reach a wider audience from children to adults both in English and in Spanish.

Last updated October 09, 2011