A une danseuse

J’emprunte le français,
une langue à mi-chemin
entre la vôtre et la mienne,
pour vous dire merci
avant que je m’en aille
emportant dans mon cœur
votre rire joyeux.

Vous êtes la brise légère,
l’écume blanche des vagues
qui chatouille le sable.
Vous êtes toutes les vibrations
les plus intenses de la Terre
voulant s’offrir au Ciel

Vous êtes la grâce même,
Le plaisir élégant
Qui sait râvir l’esprit
Vous êtes l’Art eternel, la danse
Oh! toi, Maroc que j’aime.

Je voudrais vous offrir
la toute première fleur
d’un matin de printemps,
la toute première étoile
d’une nuit ensorcelante…

Je vous offre l’hommage
d’un Poète vagabond
qui charmé par vos yeux
continue son chemin !

(Original of the Author in French)

Translation into Italian:


Prendo in prestito il francese,
una lingua a mezza strada
fra la tua e la mia,
per poterti dire grazie
prima d'andare via
portandomi nel cuore
il tuo riso gioioso!

Sei la brezza leggera...
la spuma bianca dell'onde
che accarezza l'arena.
Sei... le più intense
della Terra che anèla offrirsi
al Cielo

Sei il piacere elegante
che rapisce lo spirito
Sei l'arte eterna, la danza
Tu sei il Marocco che amo!

Ogni notte tu m'offri
partecipi emozioni d'infinito

Dentro di me sento
il trèmulo ritmare
che dalle punte tese
dei tuoi piedi minuti,
sale invadendoti
fino alle spalle candide,
e si fa oscillazione vibratile
che le tue bianche braccia
e le tue dita mobili
liberano nell'aria...
mentre ciòccano appena
le filigrane
dei tuoi ornamenti essenziali.

Più non contano gli strumenti,
più le luci,
più il prezioso tappeto,
...tu sei preziosità!

Vorrei poterti offrire
il manto di rugiada
d'un primaverile mattino,
la primissima stella
d'una notte incantata...

T'offro questi miei versi
di poeta giramondo
che stregato dai tuoi occhi
tarda a riprender la strada!

"Sempre sottovoce, Poesia come vita", Imprimerie Fiorina, Sion (CH), 1992

Lionello Grifo (August 1934), Italian poet and writer, was born in Rome in 1934 by parents who were both Italian government officials, nominated at the unanimity "Premio della Cultura 2004 della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri" (Prize for Culture 2004 from the Presidency of the Italian Ministries Council) "for his outstanding, prestigious contribution to the field of Poetry". He started his working life in the world of politics and the press". He holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences (Brussels, 1958) and has worked as a translator and interpreter in Luxembourg, Brussels and Geneva. After a second successful career in international finance, marketing and consultancy he retired in 1982 for 15 years to Southern Spain to concentrate on his literary interests. He writes from the age of 17 but published his first book in 1980: "Sottovoce, parole in cerca di musica" (Whispering, words in search of music), E.T.L., Turin. It was followed by "La Mia Poesia", Novograf, Murcia 1989 in Italian with English and Spanish translation, which was presented to the International Poetry Week Festival in San Francisco in 1989 and won the "Genti and Paesi" (People and Countries) International Poetry Prize 1990; "Polglosem", Warszawa 1990, Polish translation with parallel text in Italian; "Sottovoce, poesia come musica" (Whispering, Poetry as Music)and "Sempre Sottovoce, poesia come vita" (Always whispering, Poetry as Life), Fiorina, Sion 1992; "My Poetry", Book Guild, London 1993 in English and Spanish translation with parallel text in Italian; "Regazo susurrante de poesía", Universidad de Murcia 1997; "Tu che mi tacci di poeta impudico", MEF L'autore Libri, Florence 2004, which has been presented in June 2004 at the Italian Literature students at the University of Luxembourg with a lecture titled "50 years of Poetry: Elisir of Infinity". His work has been widely reviewed in UK and in the United States and translated by the italianists of the University of Stanford, California; Warsaw University, Poland and Seville University, Spain. He has given poetry readings at American and European Universities. He is a life-long member of Rome's Dante Alighieri Society.

Last updated January 01, 2012