Prison Gates

Heavenly Father…
To You my heart turns
Father, it is for your son
that my heart truly yearns

I run…to and fro…to and fro…
Oftentimes, knowing not where to go!

I open the door…
Look outside;
I slam the door,
And hide inside!

In my vacant room…
My heart truly breaks!
Father, I long for Petrovich…
Whatever it takes!

Please Father…
Show me the way!
Do not leave me behind,
Left for another day.

He is there…
Locked behind the prison gate!
Is this our mission;
Or simply our fate?

To find one another…
searching so very long!
Can’t we be together?
Can’t we bring him home?

Let him sleep…Father,
in my loving arms;
Allow us to protect one another
from life’s little harms!

Please reunite my love with me…
Allow our love
to float out into the sea

He can carry me
Along the waterway
He can whisper “I love you”
When I can’t face another day

I’m sorry, Father
For all of my awful sins
It is with Peter, Father
I’m begging to make amends

To love him, keep him
And show him my heart
All I long for Father,
Is just one more start!

Kimberly R. Stone

Kimberly R. Stone's picture

Last updated April 09, 2011