by Gopikrishnan Kottoor
Who sharpens the knife
with his back to the sea
on his grazed wheel? So many fish heads wait
to be sliced by the wharf,
this must be done with precision and skill.
Who pedals the wheel, holds the strumming knife to the sun
the sharpness edged to a Beethvan note ?
Give one to the murderer, one to the butcher, one to the
whose wife lay last night with a new sailor from the East,
one to Cain to murder his mother and brother
choose one that is blunted, dip it in the salt
bleed it with a kiss.
All knives know the truth of infidelity,
of shaking fins of beauty draped in lust
purple gills red with the sea’s betrayal,
and the rim, the silver rim of the fast wheel
spitting slow fire, turning full circle.
The Zong
Copyright ©:
Gopikrishnan Kottoor
Last updated June 11, 2012