by Barbara Jane Reyes
I am the dark- hued bitch; see how wide my maw, my
bloodmoon eyes,
And by daylight, see the tangles and knots of my riverine hair.
I am the bad daughter, the freedom fighter, the shaper of
death masks.
I am the snake, I am the crone; I am caretaker of these ancient
I am the winged tik- tik, tik- tik, tik- tik, tik- tik; I am close,
And from under the floorboards, the grunting black pig,
Cool in the dirt, mushrooms between my toes, I wait.
I am the encroaching wilderness, the bowels of these mountains.
I am the opposite of your blessed womb, I am your inverted
Guard your unborn children, burn me with your seed and salt,
Upend me, bend my body, cleave me beyond function. Blame me.
Last updated January 04, 2023