Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous american poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best American Poetry
- Why Fool Around? by Stephen Dobyns
- Why Have I Returned To New England by Michael Earl Craig
- Why Have You Sought by Hilda Doolittle
- Why He Was There by Edwin Arlington Robinson
- Why I Am Not A Painter by Frank O Hara
- Why I Hate Raisins by Natalie Diaz
- Why I Might Go to the Next Football Game by Denis Johnson
- Why I Needed To by Richard Blanco
- Why I Reach for You When I Know I Can’t Touch You by Paul Tran
- Why I Started Writing a Novel by Jessica Greenbaum
- Why I Voted the Socialist Ticket by Vachel Lindsay
- Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver
- Why I Went To The Foot by Ellis Parker Butler
- Why It Often Rains in the Movies by Lawrence Raab
- Why make it doubt-it hurts it so by Emily Dickinson
- Why Nobody Pets The Lion At The Zoo by John Ciardi
- Why Not? by Harriet Monroe
- Why Poetry Can Be Hard for Most People by Dorothea Lasky
- Why Some Girls Love Horses by Paisley Rekdal
- Why The Daisies Are Not All White by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Why the Little Frenchman Wears his Hand in a Sling by Edgar Allan Poe
- Why The Spring Is Late by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Why the Young Men Are So Ugly by Tony Hoagland
- Why toll the bell today by Henry David Thoreau
- Why Washington Retreated by Ellis Parker Butler
- Why We Don’t Die by Robert Bly
- Why We Drink by Megan Fernandes
- Why We Must Struggle by Kay Ryan
- Why Write Love Poetry in a Burning World by Katie Farris
- Widow by Sylvia Plath