Aaron McCollough

Aaron McCollough

About Aaron McCollough

Aaron McCollough was born in 1971 in Columbus, Ohio and raised in Tennessee. He has a BA from the University of the South (1994), an MA in English Literature from North Carolina State University (1998), an MFA in Creative Writing from the Iowa Writers' Workshop (2001), as well as an MA and PhD in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan (2002 & 2007 respectively). He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he is the Editorial Director at the University of Michigan Press and Michigan Publishing. In 2001, McCollough started the online poetry magazine GutGult. The magazine published eight issues between 2001 and 2010. Along with Karla Kelsey, he now edits a small press called SplitLevel Texts. McCollough has published poems in 1913, 6 x 6, Boston Review, A Public Space, Denver Quarterly, Colorado Review, Fence, Quarterly West, The Canary, VOLT, American Letters & Commentary, Conduit, LIT, Slope, Carolina Quarterly, Jacket, Court Green, and numerous other journals.
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