Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous Spanish Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best Spanish Poetry
- 11-S, New Orleans: United we stand by ClaudioSerraBrun
- A Childhood Memory by Antonio Machado
- a curse of islands by Elidio La Torre Lagares
- A Dog Has Died by Pablo Neruda
- A Gloss (with spiritual meaning) by St John of the Cross
- A Lemon by Pablo Neruda
- A Longing To Return To The Land Of Israel by Yehuda HaLevi
- A love song by Yehudah ha-Levi
- A Meditation by Antonio Machado
- A Song Of Despair by Pablo Neruda
- A Sonnet on Cervantes by Ruben Dario
- A Tomb in Tarquinia by Antonio Colinas
- Absence by Pablo Neruda
- Absent Soul by Federico Garcia Lorca
- Adam Cast Forth by Jorge Luis Borges
- Against by Jaime Gil de Biedma
- Al calor de una guitarra by Mara Romero Torres
- Algunas Bestias by Pablo Neruda
- Always by Pablo Neruda
- Always Fugitive, Always Near by Antonio Machado
- Amor de mostrador by Edwin Yanes
- Amor o dinero by Edwin Yanes
- An Old and Distinguished Gentleman by Antonio Machado
- And because Love battles by Pablo Neruda
- And Must It Die With You…? by Antonio Machado
- Antonio's Ballad by Miguel de Cervantes
- Aquí te hubiese amado by Luz del Alba Nicola
- As Long as Rose and Lily by Garcilaso de la Vega
- At The Tomb Of King Philip II in Seville by Miguel de Cervantes
- Autumn Dawn by Antonio Machado