Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous African-American Poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best African-American Poetry
- F.U.Gitivity by Douglas Kearney
- Facing It by Yusef Komunyakaa
- Faggot Poetics by Cameron Awkward-Rich
- Fame Food & Liquor by Nate Marshall
- Family Secrets by Toi Derricotte
- Fanon in Tunis After Tunis by Myronn Hardy
- Father Son and Holy Ghost by Audre Lorde
- father's voice by Sonia Sanchez
- Fear by Haki R. Madhubuti
- February 12, 1963 by Jacqueline Woodson
- Feeling Fucked Up by Etheridge Knight
- Feet O' Jesus by Langston Hughes
- Felecia Sanders’s Granddaughter, 5 by Kamilah Aisha Moon
- Fiddlah Ike by Fenton Johnson
- fiddy'leven by Nate Marshall
- Fifth Grade Autobiography by Rita Dove
- Fin de Siecle by Alice Dunbar-Nelson
- Final Curve by Langston Hughes
- Finding His Fist by Patricia Smith
- Finna by Nate Marshall
- Fire-Caught by Langston Hughes
- Fireflies by Kamilah Aisha Moon
- Firefly by Jacqueline Woodson
- First Fire by Camille T. Dungy
- Five Dreams by C. S. Giscombe
- Five Points, Ten Points by Fred Moten
- Flame by Jayne Cortez
- Flame-Heart by Claude McKay
- Flirtation by Rita Dove
- Flirtation by Claude McKay