Quotes of the Day
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
• Henry Drummond
Before submitting your poem, please make sure you have read and adhered to the following guidelines where applicable:
1 - Poem must adhere to basic rules of capitalization.
2- Do not type poem in all capital letters.
3- Do not capitalize the first letter of every word.
4- Only capitalize words that are proper (i.e. names and places).
5- The first word of each line may be capitalized.
6- Be sure to proofread your poem for any grammatical errors.
7- Do not use “texting” lingo. Properly spell out all words.
8- Poems containing language that is vulgar, offensive, or wholly inappropriate will not be accepted.
9- To ensure proper lineation, please use the “Enter” key to start a new line, indicating all intentional line breaks.