Browse and read this list of the most beautiful and best poems written by famous world poets from the classical poetry to the latest new modern ones...
Best World Poetry
- The Ring Of Polycrates; A Ballad by Friedrich von Schiller
- The Rise And Fall by Shahida Latif
- The Road by Boris Pasternak
- THE ROAD OF ANGEL by kapardeli eftichia
- The Roussalka by Alexander Pushkin
- THE RULE OF LIFE. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia by Aeschylus
- The Saddhu Of Couva by Derek Walcott
- THE SAME, EXPANDED. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- THE SAME. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- The Satrapy by Constantine P. Cavafy
- The School Where I Studied by Yehuda Amichai
- The Schooner 'Flight' by Derek Walcott
- The Scream by Attila Jozsef
- The Scythians by Aleksandr Blok
- The Sea by Julie Delvaux
- The Sea Is History by Derek Walcott
- THE SEA-VOYAGE. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- The Search by Shahida Latif
- The Season of Phantasmal Peace by Derek Walcott
- The Secret by Friedrich von Schiller
- The Sentence by Anna Akhmatova
- The Settling Fog by Shahida Latif
- The Seventh by Attila Jozsef
- The Sexes by Friedrich von Schiller
- THE SHADOW OF DEATH AND LIFE by Walter William Safar
- The Shadow of Extinction by Muhammad Shanazar
- The Shambling Fellow by Muhammad Shanazar
- THE SHEPHERD'S LAMENT. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe