by Tony E Roberts
- one library copy of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground
- one composition notebook with “Sam’s journal” written on the cover
with a black Sharpie.
- two blackened banana peels, and one browned apple core,
slightly shriveled.
- one black, long-sleeve “Mumford and Sons” t-shirt.
- one pack of tissues.
- five crumpled tissues, gently used.
- 10 sheets of lined paper with partial poems, all entitled “Sandy”
wadded up in balls.
- one 2 GB Sony Voice recorder.
- two phone chargers.
- one red umbrella with cats and dogs printed on it and the words,
“It’s raining cats and dogs.”
- one large stainless steel coffee mug.
- three pens
- a large ink stain.
- regret.
Last updated March 10, 2013