The Ball Woman

I once knew a woman that
could roll herself into a perfect ball.
She rolled all over town.
It didn't seem that unusual; sad,
but not strange.
Lots of people are all balled up.
I caught glimpses of her face.
It was often expressionless.
She had a flat affect.
Sometimes, she'd come out of her ball,
and smile.
She was gorgeous, educated, and
had a great sense of humor.
But when I'd get too close,
she'd get back into her ball
and roll away.

Thomas W. Case

Thomas Wesley Case's picture

Thomas Wesley Case is an American poet and author. He was born in California and now writes and lives in Iowa. He has hundreds of poems published in anthologies around the world. He also has two volumes of poetry published and a third volume entitled, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, due out soon.

Last updated January 27, 2024