There's Much More

Permit me my dear audience
Can I crave for your indulgence?
For trust me, am not here to utter nonsense
But speak the truth to your conscience
For deep down you think you are useless,
But trust me those thought are all mess,
Which are prepared to make your vision boneless.

You could think your life is full of sorrow
Feeling you are living a time you borrow
But don't forget you have a bright tomorrow
Waiting ahead patiently for you if you don't know
This am letting you know so you won't think low

For there is a promised brighter day
Which would really come to stay
To hold you tight and not let you sway
So stay put and gather your hay
For there's much for you to harvest and lay!!

Solomon Ayomide's picture

Am Solomon Ayomide, a young poet and short stories writer. Am a Nigerian and I simply "write to write right"

Last updated October 29, 2022