You killed my Gods                             

That I naively revered in temples

That I offered flowers and sweets to

That I regularly burnt incenses to

That I sang hymns to

That I gave and expected to give me

Lie dead on the floor


Marx did not

Epicurus did not

Osho did not

Nietzsche did not

You killed my Gods

With sharpened daggers

Parted into the heads and trunks skillfully

Put the heads into temple and threw
trunks to me

Amazing butchers!

The super-butchers, you are!

What shall I do with them?

Who are your teachers?

Did Valmiki teach you?

Did Ved Vyas preach you?  


But again

Thank God! You killed my Gods

They had grown so weak and meek

Slumbered inside walls

Had no eyesight and had lost all might

Were both dumb and deaf

In their reign, none was safe

Neither saw Tsunami, nor felt quake

Never dared to bar war

Had grown big bellies

The monstrous gods!

So pervasive

Who owed you the daggers?

There were 330 million

Did you finish all?

Did you go to Gadhimai?

Did you go to Dhamiyain Than too?


Now that their corpses lie on floor

Let me call all my pals

Shall we go to Koshi ? Bagmati is filthy

Who will sit in kiriya?

Hurry up, friends

Cremate them

Before the sun wakes up


For the old ones are dead

Who will love us?

Who will care for us?

Who will protect this land?

Land of Pashupati?

He has slept

Superman has not turned up yet

Must be on the way

Till then

Let me meditate

Let me find A NEW ONE

Who does not swallow blood?

Who does not devour flesh?

Vegetarian God?

I am a vegetarian too.



Sajan Kumar Karn's picture

Born in Siraha, Sajan Kumar is a Lecturer in English Education at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Though he looks more active in teaching and researching, his heart rejoices in reading and writing poems. He argues that the world is poetic-everyone is a poet, the only difference is where as some enjoy reading or listening to poetry others find bliss in writing. His first anthology of poems in Nepal "Ra Po AATMA RUDAINCHH"(Thus, soul is crying) is (in press) is shortly coming. His English poems are also published in some venues. He is involved in promoting English and Nepali poems through Facebook Poetry, a group on Facebook.

Last updated August 13, 2012