Freedom Call

Rain razors the sky with strips of metal grey
And a million sorrows are lost in a hundred yesterdays
Your face it bleeds for democracy
And bullets burn with intensity
A hunk of brain
A collage of limbs
The tears of children hold our sins
Innocence lost in a battle for oil
And rotting corpses redden the soil
A widow's cry masks the pain
of slaughter for greed and corporate shame

Urban Collage Saira Viola

Saira Viola's picture

Saira is an emerging fiction writer poet and social commentator. Saira has developed a pioneering literary style she calls sonic-scatter-script where she uses lyrical beats, art, colour nature, street slang and references to contemporary culture to describe characters and plot action. Saira is moved by art, music, nature, rebellion and social injustice. Her stories are distinguished by surreal plot lines, with social undercurrents and memorable characters. She uses the rhythm of life to create melodies in her work. Books : SLIDE, CRACK APPLE AND POP! She is currently working on her next novel and has completed her first collection of poetry FAST FOOD AND GIN ON THE LAWN.

Last updated September 08, 2011