The Swan King

The Inheritor of the throne
For whom I was told
Has a drunk rose
Below his chin.
I see it - the Adam's apple
A wounded place on his neck
A bulge that goes beyond his larynx.
A stuck piece - evidence of a bite
That s i g n i f i e s him
Without reaching any stomach.
He is the King of night
Uncrowned, without a throne
A windy blonde swan in a lonely lake
That's missing.
I keep him hanging on my neck -
One and only son - obsession
The child is crawling on the window sill.
And there far away -
The new dawn fades
Like a spilled sweet milk.

Sabina Karleva's picture

Sabina Karleva (b. 1986) is a student in Cultural Studies and Philosophy at the Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridsky”, Sofia, Bulgaria. She has a specialization in Arab Society and Culture at the Department of Arabic Studies and Semitology at the Sofia University and the University of Cologne., In 2008 she receives an insignia of honor from the National Poetical Contest “Vesselin Hanchev”, her works are published in Bulgarian and English in several online and paper editions., In 2010 she has been featured in the National Best Poems Antology at the Salon of Arts, National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Last updated September 20, 2011