
by Sabina Karleva

Behind the bloody edge of the landscape
Is open the eye
Of my full and optimal sorrow
The bells of the morning are ringing
Solemn marches colonize the landscape
There where the birds’ shadows
Have remained the empty contours of a dead plot.
Pain is scratching my spine -
She is the pagan temple, hidden in the tropic woods
Over which a night is falling.
She’ll be serviced today
And everybody will be present.
I push the inflammation
I know it will get flesh and will unravel
In a full determination.
Today it is perfectly clear to me:
Everything in life
That has been cut in the middle
Will be forgotten.

Sabina Karleva's picture

Sabina Karleva (b. 1986) is a student in Cultural Studies and Philosophy at the Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridsky”, Sofia, Bulgaria. She has a specialization in Arab Society and Culture at the Department of Arabic Studies and Semitology at the Sofia University and the University of Cologne., In 2008 she receives an insignia of honor from the National Poetical Contest “Vesselin Hanchev”, her works are published in Bulgarian and English in several online and paper editions., In 2010 she has been featured in the National Best Poems Antology at the Salon of Arts, National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Last updated November 11, 2011