by Atul Chandra Sarkar
Your silhouette
Against the sinking sun,
The enamoring golden aura,
The distracting curves,
The rise, the fall,
The peak, slope and all.
The soft breathing,
Perceptible in the undulation
Of your enviable outline,
Staggers the shadows
Of wind-hugged trees;
They kindle desires,
As evening fires,
Are stoked to hold the cold.
You wear the crescent,
Don shimmering stars,
While woven silk threads,
Lie helplessly at your feet,
Athirst to veil you again!
You remove space,
Betwixt us, in wanton comfort,
You erase the outlines,
Of our shadows to oblivion;
Your warmth melts youth,
Juxtaposition freezes Time,
The daylight illumination
Makes me ponder:
Who are you,
A figment of imagination,
An apparition of my making,
Or a someone like you
Whom my soul desires.
Last updated July 16, 2016