Your Shadow Arose From Me… It Crushed Me!...
Your shadow arose from me… it crushed me!...
Even the butterfly took its flight back…
All the withdrawals hit me on the ground,
And there is no more reason
For what… or to whom…
Your shadow arose from me… it crushed me!...
Inside an unopened dream I extinguished myself
Time!... stroke me abruptly!
For another one hour I could have hold you…
And the whole world to cease within that hour!...
Summers… matter no more
So far the heart is filled with bleached winters…
Your shadow arose from me!... It crushed me!...
Even though your fingers still flow through my blood
and endless nights grow inside an insane eye,
your songs wonder my reverie no more,
the hunger for the morning’s dews stopped,
just… your silences scream spacelessly…
True! Your words do not know
The verb of my flight…
Your steps forgot the crane’s chants
and my heart does not sketch your contour…
Just for you to know:
My world’s edge is beyond your cognition!...
My heartbeats leaked from your hands,
as you forgot the path to yourself!...
Through my Heart!...
(Anca Mihaela Bruma - 28th August 2015 - Strasbourg)
Copyright (c) 2015 by Anca Mihaela Bruma, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit - which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged.
Dedicated to Bahman Aslanli
Copyright ©:
Anca Mihaela Bruma
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The author Anca Mihaela Bruma labels her own writings as being "sensually mystique" or "mystically sensual", a tool and path for women to claim their own inner feminine powers., Through her writings she overpass what seems to be the limitations of the human but emphasizing the essence of the woman, of the Goddess. The main theme, Love, is basically presented as a transformative experience in life, the energysing force in the universe and empowering the creative feminine., When she writes she sees it like a painting in front of her eyes, using lots of symbolism and allegory in order to apprehend the infinite intelligence, catching the reflections of truth with a strong mystic sense of infinity, of the boundless, of the opening out of the world of our normal finite expressions into the transcendental. Like an "architect" of a language she "builds" a language within a language, a universe within another universe, using vivid imagery, sometimes surreal, giving to her poetry a transcending feeling., Her writings are more kind of a spiritual autobiography, depicting a reality behind all forms, with no space and time, a quantum view of existence. Right now, she sees the writings as a form of being present inside the language, a paradigm of living which is encoded in the message itself, like a poetic consciousness with a spherical view of things, life, and love. It is more related with the realization of the greater self, beyond the mundane and well known laws of the society, as an expression of both the rational and the intuitive, in a concise form of poetry, increasing the awareness with new meanings expanded.