You Are My Weakness

The more I try to fly and Go high
The more I get the question asking my self why , at last I just cry
I hope for the Dawn and Noon to come but they all just say bye
I Try to smile but you seem not to like My smile
I've tried everything just to make you Happy but its like you are taking my kindness for weakness but God is my witness
Am just praying that the happiness I shared with you won't turn into Darkness
And hope the sickness won't b blindness ......

Charles Brown Munthali

Charles S Mortson's picture

Charles Chuze Kayeyi, young, vibrant, high-school student and a lover of art, inspired to publish poems by Mortson, a Researcher and Mentor, to an extent of combining efforts and skill to build a name, Charles S Mortson, a Zambian and proud African with a worldwide vision.

Last updated July 12, 2015