
by Constantine P. Cavafy

Constantine P Cavafy

If you are truly one of the select few,
watch how you acquire your power.
However much you are glorified, however much
the cities in Italy and in Thessaly
acclaim your achievements ,
however many decrees in your honor
your admirers may have issued in Rome,
neither your joy nor your triumph will last,
nor will you feel like a superior - what do you mean superior? - man
when in Alexandria, Theodotus brings you,
upon a bloodstained tray,
the head of the wretched Pompey.
And do not rely on the fact that in your life,
circumscribe d, regulated, and prosaic,
there are no such spectacular and terrifying things.
Perhaps at this very hour, Theodotus is entering
the well-appoint ed house of one of your neighbors -
invisible, bodiless -
carrying such a hideous head.

Last updated January 14, 2019