The Dance of Time

by Drora Matlofsky

Let's dance the dizzy dance of time,
Alarm clock bells, hear how they chime!
Pop goes the weasel,
Ding-dong goes my head,
It was never intended to be easy,
Or so they've said...

I hardly have time to realise
That this is real, that I'm alive,
This is no dream, I know:
I pinch myself often enough.
As soon as I open my eyes,
Blurred coloured visions start to whizz by.

Lets' dance the dizzy dance of time,
Spin around, around the clock.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Chasing after a minute
That has turned into an hour,
An hour that will never be ours.
My head is going round and round
Like the crzy merry-go-round
Where I sat on a white horse
A few years ago...
Can't I go back?
Wait a minute,
I mean...
What do I mean?

Time flies, they say, when you're having fun.

Drora Matlofsky has been living in Jerusalem since 1984. Her poetry in English has appeared in various poetry and Jewish magazines and her poetry in French can be found on the Poésie Française site.

Last updated October 12, 2015