Caroline Nazareno a.k.a. Ceri Naz, born April 10, 1980 in Anda, Pangasinan, is a multi-awarded poet, editor, lecturer, editor, educator, journalist and women’s advocate., She was chosen as the World Poetry International Director to Philippines by the World Poetry Canada and International., She won the Frang Bhardi Literary Prize 2014 in Albania on December 28, 2014., Internationally recognized and awarded by the KIBATEK (Kibris-Balkanlar-Avrasya Türk Edebiyatlari Kurumu) as ‘’sair Gazeteci’’ (poet- journalist) during the 34th KIBATEK International Festival of Literature and Arts in Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey on November 8, 2014., Her works have been featured and published in various international prints, local e-zines and international literary exhibits. Inner Child Press ltd. (USA) featured her in The Year of the Poet October 2014., World Poetry Canada and International Peace Festival 2013, adjudged her " World Poetry Empowered Poet 2013" ., World Poetry Canada and International honoured Ceri Naz with the ‘’Certificate of Appreciation’’ for the International Peace Festival 2011 and in the same year, Poetry Around The Globe, presented Ceri Naz with the " Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Poetry" as a World Poet., She was also a semi-finalist in an International Open Poetry Contest organized by World Poetry Movement with her poem ‘’where peace can be’’ at Park City, Utah, USA in 2011., Graduating cum laude with the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education, major in General Science at Pangasinan State University. She earned her postgraduate studies in Administration and Supervision at Eulogio " Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology. Ceri is a voracious researcher in various arts and literature. She had visited the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library of Harvard University and learned about the Nanotechnology and Aerospace at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in June 2012., Her haiku ‘’Hello Mars’’ was one among the hundred of poems chosen and formed part of a special DVD project which was attached to NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft, headed to Mars, on November 2013., THE INTERNATIONAL POETRY TRANSLATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE (IPTRC) published her poems in the WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK 2013 and 2014. The said book had starred 300 world poets of 100 countries., Caroline Nazareno is a member of Asia Pacific Writers and Translators (APWT) ., Aside from her poetic journeys, she is also a member of The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) . ‘’It is an international, feminist, membership organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights. A dynamic network of women and men around the world, AWID members are researchers, academics, students, educators, activists, business people, policy-makers, development practitioners, funders, and more.’, Among others, she writes for the Philippine Canadian Inquirer, Our Poetry Archive e-journal and contributes to Reflection Magazine.