by John Lars Zwerenz
When branches and boughs of sycamores sway
In the nascent moonlight, languorous with song,
My mind is enraptured with wistful and long
Sonatas which pine at the close of day.
And when breezes mysteriously through tall reeds go,
Wavering through pale grasses, like wraiths of old,
In the somnolent chill of the autumnal cold,
I recall your kisses in a summery glow.
Where have your tender busses fled to?
Where have your warm caresses gone?
The dour stream in the dale flows on,
Beneath the star bedecked sky of blue.
And I am left alone with my pain and rue,
In this solitary wood, clad with mist and gloom,
Devoid of felicity, where no royal bloom
Attends to my soul in my remembrance of you.
John Lars Zwerenz
Ecstasy And Other Poems
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Last updated November 09, 2015