by Sankari Prasad Sarkar
We see things and then believe.
We believe with which we live.
We call them knowledge.
That’s the cutting edge.
We are proud to ride
over darkness and side
with knowledge and experience
failing to feel our ignorance.
We forget in the process to access,
reach out to the vast space
and grope in enveloping darkness.
We fail to sense our ignorance.
If we could race
over the novo space,
we are striving for answers
to question that bothers---
whence and how we came.
Though initially game, we are not the same.
Does it make sense
to extrapolate in time
if we were created by Him
or by alien Gods with potential pretense?
Cosmology concerns observable space
dotted with infinite celestial bodies ---
clusters, constellations, comets or shoddies---
with perennial mist of dust and gas
encircling in disarray diverse
to slowly amass
matter, cluster and colonize
in free space
with no trace
of whence, how or how long.
They could in probability indefinitely prolong.
Equally important is the vexed question---
how we came, continue for certain
and then exit from the terrestrial terrain.
Scientists say one billion years from now
we may survive somehow.
With sunshine and sun not on our side
we may dangerously downslide
to an ignominious extinction.
Last updated May 01, 2016