Mother Earth

Oh! Mother Earth, how good you are, how fascinating your appearance
You're fabricated with delicate and adorable matter, so wonderful that no one passes without standing-by and take a glance at you
Copiously made of life, you supplies all Inhabitants of your great terrain life
Gracious with your resources, you allows everyone to tap from your endless blessings.

How sweet and soft her voice echoes, how tender her words are,
Come! Come! Come! She cries
Be careful she warns,
Take no vengeance and be of good cheers she Advice
For I'm there for you even when it seems the Sun has Set So Soon.

With great joy, she sees her children prosper amidst tribulations
She sent down the rain to water their crops, to cool their heads after being tormented by the scorching sun
Sunshine on their faces, they smile
They stay all day long gathering their sheaves for she has made their harvest bountiful
What a great, lovely and blessed woman you are, Mother Earth.

A young graduate of Uniben Nigeria studied Physiology, 27yrs old, he loves writing and listens to advice

Last updated September 20, 2016