by Jheigh Sunga
Love is not about how much he can give you but it's more about how much you can sacrifice for the sake of your loved one.
I can't explain why I can't help but to smile whenever I see you.
Even though it seems like you don't notice me.
It doesn't matter whether you don't care.
when your around I can't help but to stare.
I like you, doesn't matter if you don't like me too.
you brighten up my day, day by day.
It's kinda weird but I can't take my eyes off you.
I hear that song each time I see you.
Love love has come my way
but I know it's not okay.
Love may come my way but not in his way.
it may come but definitely not on my way, but with someone else ...
Jheigh Sunga
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Last updated October 20, 2016