Love and Valentine

Kiss me not and touch
Be far away as a wool cue
Pain is sweeter than being together
Can see only the swifter and beauty of outer
As moon night in the sky
Love being sacred may last forever
Visit me not and thought is enough
In dream to meet and to sing your song
Once it´s belonged, you might loose
Beauty of love may evanescence

free verse

As a Diaspora Poet, he lives in Zürich, Switzerland, but his home country is Sri Lanka, where he was born in 1970. Being a political refugee, he sees the world in many perspectives and engages with writing, theater, and research. He began to write in English when he left his country and became into exile.Tennakoon graduated from University of Colombo and University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. At the University of Basel, Switzerland, and also at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, He has studied ‘History’ in his bachelor, ‘Drama and Theater’ and ‘Peace and Conflict Transformation’ for my master Studies. As a writer, he has published several books in Sinhala and has done some theater works. He contributes articles to many websites and also as a social activist, he has been engaging with many voluntary works inside Switzerland and Europe as well as outside in Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Last updated February 15, 2017