Just for Today

by Andrea Laws

the day's mysteries have been seen before
our chosen rights pushing through open doors

what shall we learn today?
a lesson we were told to pray?

a seemingly distant fog
procuring ancient frogs,
but never taking our protection from dogs

light becomes the waver of life
begging our stingy strife
freeing the will to change,
but keeping our destines strange

a message for you, I write
to enhance your rights
diminish your frights

continue the journey
until you're carried away on a gurney


Andrea Laws's picture

Andrea Laws currently resides in Lawrence, KS. She graduated from the University of Kansas in 2008, with a BA in English and a BA in Film Studies. Her work has appeared in three compiled books of poetry including: Whispers VII: A Collection of Short Works, Stars in Our Hearts, and International Who's Who in Poetry: 2012 Edition.

Last updated February 18, 2016