by Atul Chandra Sarkar
Heart to heart,
Oh! sweet heart,
Let me tell you straight,
From the bottom of my heart,
How restless I am,
To pour out my heart,
With all my heart;
O heartthrob,
Every time I see you,
My heart of gold,
Skips heart-beats,
But my heartstrings,
Remain unbundled,
I take it to heart,
My disheartened heart,
Becomes heartsick, heavy,
It’s broken, it bleeds;
I suffer heartburn,
When I see others,
Emptying their hearts,
In cozy cuddles;
The thought of remaining
Lonely, in a heartless world,
Is heartrending, it makes,
My heart cry out;
I know, I am pained at heart,
For a stone heart, yet,
Your absence makes
My heart grow fonder,
For you on whom I have set,
My heart on, yes, you,
Who is after my own heart;
My heart sinks,
My heart is in my mouth,
Have a change of heart,
Let your heart go out to me,
Come close to my heart,
Warm the cockles of my heart;
I cross my heart,
I’ll be yours forever,
Let me reach the heart
Of your love, lest unrequited,
My heartache ends up,
In a fatal heart attack.
Last updated September 25, 2016