Haikus Poems

by Barbara Miles Jackson

Green and red,
Balls silver and gold,
Hung on Christmas ever.

Bringing folks together,
Sharing joy and love,
Hollie is one for the door.

The Tree
No matter the color,
Decoration of every kind,
The bow holds it all together.

A Gift
All my gifts under the tree,
Don't know what to give,
I'll give Him my heart.

BBenice (written Dec. 1, 2015 by Barbara Miles Jackson)

Barbara B-Miles Jackson's picture

Barbara B-Miles Jackson, born in 1948, grew up in Texas, studied poetry as a student in school. The poetry of other poets inspired me to go forward, changing myself when I could not change my situation. I one child and two grandchildren., Later needing a way of expression and focus, I turned to writing poems. Writing reminds me, we must travel through life situations with as much grace and dignity as possible., I started writing in 1995 for an Open Poetry Contest with National and International Library of Poetry. Most In the US and other in Europe.

Last updated September 17, 2022