by John Chizoba Vincent
Fearfully filed emotions and feeling weeping,
Integrated sorrow, bottled pains, hush tears;
Generate the entire atmosphere to madness.
The aroma of the lustful lost environ lashes
The oversized bellied walls of the stinking heart.
No sight of goodness but stuffy smoke filled home.
Stinks stationed in every part of the heart,
silent flavoured tears with mucus, blood
decomposed green odour seen in pain.
Tasteless filled aroma generated in lust.
The heart is sick, sick of the hole in whole,
The wound within was never to be healed,
It looks out for vengence and revenge to all.
The shadow of death smells along its path,
Looking out for the thousand moons that hurt,
An Aroma of a burning heart perceived in hurt
Smells like the burning flames of the wild fire;
Wildfire on an arrogant wet grassed in the forest.
Atmosphere of grief, sadness, mutilation and
sorrow fills the air as the eyes sight a broken heart.
The aroma of a broken heart smells
More dangerous than the smoke of a wildfire.
Teach the heart the act of goodness to avoid
A broken part that mighty soil others shamefully.
(C) John Chizoba Vincent
Voice Of Vincent 2016
Last updated May 06, 2016