by Jehrson "Joe" Ortonio
“Mystical bush on sight”
by Joe Ortonio
How can I not perceive this bush in front of me;
Where all my day waving its hands on me.
Crafting its movements calling my sight to see;
Wherever I go ensuing to notice by me.
This bush I call mystical indeed;
For embody how marvelous its craftsman would be.
Dancing all the way its present wildly;
Expression of love being total portray.
Untiring praise giving to the one;
Whom ultimately authored thy magical survival.
Blissful I define its art existence;
That no one can shawl its own giftedness.
You touch hues depth by one glance you make;
Towering beacon can everyone breathe.
Rescuing the soul of young heart of breeze;
Even scourging wave transcend into humid.
Flying in the sky with freedom widespread;
Knowing your own reason of why existed.
Delivering joy, giving its own message;
To trust, to love and to give more thanks no end.
Last updated January 18, 2016